Vertica Blog

Vertica Blog


User Security Auditing in Vertica

Are you a database administer who manages users and roles in your Vertica database? Do you need to keep track of who has permission to access certain database objects? If so, here's a quick guide to queries that help you review the users, roles, privileges, and permissions that you have configured in your database. These...

Using Inherited Privileges

New to Vertica 7.2.0, the inherited privileges feature provides a one-step method for enabling privileges at the schema level.
Modern Database Analytics

Configuring Vertica for a Multi-Tenant Solution

One of the more interesting and popular Vertica solutions that I've come across is the so-called multi-tenant implementation. A multi-tenant database is simply a database designed to support multiple unique customers. Often, these customers interact with the database through some sort of web interface which uses an Vertica database in the backend.