Configuring SSL for ODBC Clients

Configuring SSL for ODBC clients requires that you set the SSLMode connection property. If you want to configure optional SSL client authentication, you must also configure the Security Parameters SSLKeyFile and SSLCertFile connection properties.

How you configure the DSN depends on your operating system:

Set SSLMode Connection Property

Set the SSLMode connection property to one of the following options for the DSN:

Property Description
verify_full Encrypts data and connects to a user-specified trusted server.
verify_ca Encrypts data and connects to a trusted server.
require Requires the server to use SSL. If the server cannot provide an encrypted channel, the connection fails.
prefer (Default value) Indicates your preference that the server to use SSL. The first connection to the database tries to use SSL. If that connection fails, a second connection is attempted over a clear channel.
allow Makes a connection to the server whether the server uses SSL or not. The first connection attempt to the database is made over a clear channel. If that connection fails, a second connection is attempted over SSL.
disable Never connects to the server using SSL. This setting is typically used for troubleshooting.

Using verify_ca and verify_full

You can use the SSL Mode properties verify_ca and verify_full exclusively on client authentication. These properties require:

SSL Workflow

The following diagram shows an example workflow for SSL authentication. Your actual workflow may differ depending on what SSLMode Connection Properties you use.

In this workflow:

Enable SSL Mutual Mode Authentication

You can optionally configure SSL mutual mode by setting the following database Security Parameters: